Sunday, May 26, 2013

No Sew- Neck Tie Onesies

Tyrone and I went to the doctor last week and we found out we are having a baby BOY!!! We couldn't be more excited! We would have been happy either way but we have been calling him Jackson for the last 4 months, so it's very fitting. We are going to name him Jackson Tyrone.

He's here and he finally fits into newborn clothing! He is such a little man.
So, now that I know what we are having, I want to go baby clothes shopping so bad! I want to buy everything! I have really had to control myself. So, instead of spending too much money on adorable clothes, I decided to make our Jackson a few little onesies for church.

You can get the template for the ties from Freetimefrolics. Most of the blogs I looked at didn't have templates and if they did, they were just pictures of ones they created on programs like paint. I tried to create a tie on paint and it turned out awful so I went back to looking for a template until I came across this one. It is perfect! 

Supplies needed:
Fabric for ties
Heat 'n Bond (I bought a yard but you only need a little bit)
Plain onesies (they can be whatever color you'd like)

First cut out the template that you would like to use and cut out fabric big enough to cover the tie (as pictured above.) Then, cut out Heat 'n Bond big enough to cover your pieces of fabric (shown below.) I bought a yard of Heat 'n Bond from Joann's Fabrics for only $2.99. I was kind of scared to use it but it is really simple. There are even directions on the package if you get confused.
You will want to put the wrong side of the fabric and the rough side of Heat 'n Bond together. Then iron on the Heat 'n Bond to the fabric holding the iron down for 2 seconds until it's bonded.

Now trace the tie template onto the paper and cut the ties out.

My ironing board matches the fabrics perfectly. I should cut out a section of it.... kidding.

Onto the last step. Peel off the paper from the back of the cut out ties. Place them on the onesies where you would like them to go. And lastly, iron it on holding the iron down on each section for the tie for 8 seconds until it completely bonds to the onesie. 

Voila! You have tie onesies. They were so simple. Some people sew around the outside of the ties either by hand or using a sewing machine. I got my sewing machine out with intentions to sew around the outside but after ironing the ties on they looked so clean that I didn't think they needed to be sewn on. I decided to leave them but if you would like to sew around the outside for looks or just to be sure it won't start coming undone you could do that as well. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


  1. Thanks, looks really simple but do the onesies last a while without the sewing or did they come apart after washing?

  2. I haven't washed them enough for them to come apart. I would imagine that if you are going to wash it a number of times, for example on a larger onesie or toddler t-shirt then you might want to sew it just in case. For the smaller onesies, for example 0-3 months I think they grow so fast that they don't get to wear it enough to need to sew it on. Hope this helps.

  3. What kind of fabric did u use for the ties?

  4. I used a bunch of scrap fabric I had so they were all a little bit different. I liked using flannel best though because then I could use the same fabric to make a matching burp cloth. If you are going to buy fabric for this project I would recommend flannel or cotton.
